1934-1966 Hockey Card Wrappers including Bobby Orr Rookie Year/Read Sellers Letter Of Testimony

A gentleman from Ontario contacted me and wanted to know if I’d be interested in purchasing his late father’s collection. Unlike most people who collected the actual cards, this was comprised of the colorful wax wrappers they came in! Most kids back in the day were so eager to find out what players they got and chew the gum, that simply “tossed” these in the garbage! Precious few survived and they are true testaments to a time machine….just imagine…some kid (maybe you) threw your bike down in front of your neighbourhood corner store, and plunked down your nickel and maybe, just maybe you tore open one of these wrappers and found a MINT Bobby Orr rookie card inside! This collection contains BOTH versions of the wrapper from that famous 1966-67 Topps hockey set plus four pre-war wrappers from the various O-Pee-Chee hockey sets between 1934-35 to 1937-38.

It truly cements my business model! The seller and I were separated by 2,700 miles YET this deal took less than 4 days from the time he sent the cards to the time I paid him!
If you have old hockey card wrappers or any from baseball, football or vintage cards/memorabilia from these sports and you can’t find a suitable buyer in your area NOR does the thought of spending evenings and weekends in front of your computer trying to sell them yourself appeal to you, then pick up the phone and give me a call 604-726-1774 or e-mail me at info@aasportscards.com to see how easy and hassle-free it is to send me your collection!

Mike Chark was a pleasure to deal with. I advised him through our email conversation that this hockey collection was passed down to me by my dad and stressed the importance in receiving fair value for it.

He directed me on how and where to send the package. I felt no pressure and in control the entire time. Me being in Ontario and him on the west coast I was a little nervous. I took a chance and sent him my collection. He received it in two days and I was paid by email transfer the same day he received it without hassle.

I would advise anyone considering to sell a sports collection to first speak to Mike. You will get a fair value and you will get paid.

Thank you Mike for the professional interaction. I wish you all the best in your business endeavor.

Steven D. – Ontario, Canada

Contact Me

Please describe what you have in your collection, sports, sets, years, star players. The more detail the better.